RemoteStorage.defineModule = function ( moduleName, builder )
Method for defining a new remoteStorage data module
moduleName | Name of the module |
builder | Builder function defining the module |
The module builder function should return an object containing another object called exports, which will be exported to any RemoteStorage instance under the module’s name. So when defining a locations module, like in the example below, it would be accessible via `remoteStorage.locations`, which would in turn have a `features` and a `collections` property.
The function receives a private and a public client, which are both instances of RemoteStorage.BaseClient. In the following example, the scope of privateClient is `/locations` and the scope of publicClient is `/public/locations`.
RemoteStorage.defineModule('locations', function (privateClient, publicClient) {
return {
exports: {
features: privateClient.scope('features/').defaultType('feature'),
collections: privateClient.scope('collections/').defaultType('feature-collection')